Wired Router File Transfer Problem

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by wootang00, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. wootang00


    Nov 20, 2008
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    I have a desktop and aspire one setup wired through a router.
    I recently finally tried to transfer a file from the desktop to the netbook and started seeing a problem.
    Wireless transfer has no problems......The problem is kinda hard to explain so I'll try to explain this the best I can.

    The file would start transfering and "freeze/stall" if I didnt use the netbook.
    (Basically the "Copying" Window.. would originally start at for ex.. 5 min.. then when not using the netbook slowly increase.. to 10.. 15.. 20.. 40.. 50.. and onwards til there was no time left stated on the transfer)
    When I say use.. I mean actively open programs / folders / etc... meaning if I left the netbook as is... the file would not transfer... or would transfer very slowly.
    Then I started becoming "active" on the netbook again... the transfer would go at normal speeds. (Copying window would drop back to normal times) Then of course.. if I went off the computer... it would go back to "freeze/stall" status.

    I definately know it is not a problem with the router as I have tested this on multiple routers.
    I have a feeling it has to do with the aspire one's hardware... and that somehow the netbook is goin to auto power management mode... thus stopping/stalling any transfers that are occuring.

    Anybody else have such a problem? Please advise.
    Unfortunately I did the RAM upgrade.. and warranty pretty much seems out of the question... any work arounds?
    Can anyone test my problem..? Basically start a transfer (wired) transfer from desktop to netbook.. dont use the netbook and see if the transfer occurs or not.. or if it freezes...

    FYI... transfer from desktop to netbook is a problem. Transfer from Netbook to desktop (for some reason) has no problems. Very weird...

    Thank you!!!
    wootang00, Dec 28, 2008
  2. wootang00


    Nov 20, 2008
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    wootang00, Dec 29, 2008
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