Just received my Logitech cordless laser mouse (V550 Nano model). It comes with a USB interface that sticks out of the computer maybe a 1/4 inch. I put the USB interface into my computer with the mouse powered up. The computer immediately recognized the hardware and in about a minute, it was working. Shot below shows the Logitech interface sticking out of one of the USB ports on the right side of the Acer. [img]http://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq207/Blueeos/logitech.jpg[/img] So far I'm VERY impressed with this mouse and think its well worth the price ($44 delivered from bhphotovideo.com). The same one at Fry's is about $70 including tax. The package even comes with an adaptor for use with a desktop, but I doubt I'll ever be using that. For those who don't like inputs from the touch pad when they are using a mouse, the mouse setup had an option that makes the touch pad ONLY work with extra hard palm movement. The only thing better would be to have an option to turn the sucker off completely.