Wireless Not Working w/o Panel

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by londonali1010, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. londonali1010


    Oct 24, 2008
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    Hi All,

    Seems to be a common problem, but I can't find a solution that applies to me: I've installed cairo-dock on my AA1 and tweaked xfce4-session.rc to launch it instead of xfce4-panel. However, when I do this, my wireless connection doesn't work. I've been sure to add systray to the dock, which launches the keyboard and battery monitor parts of the normal xfce4-panel, but (obviously) not the wireless connection.

    I would like to either:
    1) Figure out how to make cairo-dock launch the wireless connection, or
    2) Set my xfce4-panel to display properly at the *top* of the screen, so I can run my cairo-dock as well at the bottom of the screen (because I don't like it at the top!)

    Any suggestions?
    londonali1010, Oct 24, 2008
  2. londonali1010


    Aug 31, 2008
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    See if you even have the wireless. In a terminal type

    ifconfig ath0

    If you get no such device, it means that something you removed is tied in with launching the modprobe script (which I believe is in /usr/bin--it's called add_driver.sh or something similar.) It's tied into the XFCE start up scripts, but I never figured out exactly where. When I was running Linpus and used fluxbox, I just called the script elsewhere--/etc/rc.local, IIRC.

    At any rate, Acer's Linpus has a lot of things tied into the XFCE startup scripts, and I never did figure it out perfectly.
    scottro, Oct 24, 2008
  3. londonali1010


    Oct 24, 2008
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    Thanks for your reply. I checked ifconfig ath0 , and it seems normal. Additionally, I can run nm-applet from the command prompt and it connects straight away. However, if I add it to xfce4-autostart-editor, it never launches, for some reason.

    I'm trying to track back the startup scripts now, to see if I can just add nm-applet to a script somewhere, but no luck so far.
    londonali1010, Oct 25, 2008
  4. londonali1010


    Aug 31, 2008
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    That's a good thing--that you have ath0. You might try something like

    locate nm-applet

    (Which might or might not find a script, if the script has nm-applet in its name.)
    IIRC, though to run locate, you'll first have to install slocate

    sudo yum -y install slocate
    sudo updatedb

    Then run locate.
    Hopefully, someone who has found it already :) will see this thread and answer you.
    scottro, Oct 25, 2008
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