World in Conflict (Fail 1-6 FPS)

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Plastikman, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Plastikman


    Feb 26, 2009
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    World in Conflict ver. 1.0.9

    Aspire 0ne 10" w/2 gigs system ram

    Fail. 0-6 FPS totaly unplayable.

    any artillary blast or explosion renders the netbook next to frozen for a second or two. choppy gameplay.

    I decided to try this again..

    all setings to lowest. all effects off. in window mode the botom of the screen is cut off (game needs 800x800 minimum)

    I was quite lag-a-licious . after a few minuites the game just closed....
    pretty unplayable.
    Plastikman, Mar 7, 2009
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