Wow its not worth it

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Brad906, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Brad906


    Jun 12, 2011
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    So I have here a Acer Aspire One ZG5 with the 8 GB SSD ... At first I was receiving a Hal.dll error and that windows wasn't able to find the file. I then made a bootable USB drive with Windows XP. I installed windows on the drive, rebooted and came up with a "Windows Could Not Start Because of a Computer Disk Hardware Configuration Problem
    " ... It then proceeds to tell me to refer to my manual. This was after the GUI part of installing XP. I then just formatted the drive, and now when I try to boot from my USB Stick with XP I get the Hal.dll error and it wont even allow me to open the installer. I have tried to use the guide on Petousb in hopes of working. But it seems that the Petousb doesn't pick up any of the flash drives that I'm using therefore it wont allow me to format the drive properly. I also found out with a 98 Boot disk using a external CD Rom that my partition was being sought as "A" instead of C therefore my guess Windows would not boot because of this in the Boot.ini. I'm sure I could have went into the repair of XP and fix that, but it now does not allow me to boot with my USB. Any type of guide on installing Windows using a CD or using a program besides the Petousb would be great! Or some type of guide that wont think my drive is something other than C: and make my flash drive C: .. Please help, I need this fixed for a client by Saturday. Thank you!
    Brad906, Jun 12, 2011
  2. Brad906


    Jun 12, 2011
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    Was simple as using external CD ROM and XP disk and making a new partition on the drive it finally set the partition as C: and it is now fixed. Thank you guys for any thoughts on the situation!
    Brad906, Jun 13, 2011
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