XFCE/Thunar problem & WIFI missing

Discussion in 'Linux' started by yeha, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. yeha


    Sep 9, 2008
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    I have an A150 for my son. I recently allowed it to connect to my WIFI so that it could update itself. Since then there's been a few changes that I'm sure weren't supposed to happen. Initially my son complained that he couldn't access any of the music files. When I looked myself, I found that some of the icons have stopped working, mainly the ones in the Files box. After a while I realised that something is happening in the background but it goes off so fast that I can't see what it is. Using Thunar direct from the right click menu has the same effect, it disappears offscreen very rapidly. The files are still there as I can see them by firing up OpenOffice and using the open dialog. Then I noticed that background image has changed from the original Aspire one to a little black shape in the centre of the screen. The button bar across the bottom of the screen has changed too. The little home icon is no longer blue and only the volume, clock and off button are visible. It can't connect to the network and no icon appears. The wifi switch has no effect. Neither the led or on screen icon appears when pushed. The display icon in the settings window has changed too and doesn't work. Any brilliant ideas? It doesn't feel like there's anything major wrong, just some commands somewhere that need changing.

    The new background icon is a mouse!
    yeha, Apr 24, 2009
  2. yeha


    Apr 25, 2009
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    I can't give you any help I'm afraid, I'm having a similar problem myself, but
    you may be able to get a bit more information about what the problem is if you
    try to run thunar from a terminal.

    To start a terminal hold down the 'alt' key and press F2, a 'Run program'
    window appears, type terminal and then press return.

    When the terminal starts type thunar and then return. If an error message
    appears on the screen then cut and paste that message into a reply to this
    topic. Someone might be able to give you an answer then.

    Good luck ...
    lisheen, Apr 25, 2009
  3. yeha


    Sep 9, 2008
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    I'd love to be able to cut and paste, but it won't connect to wifi.

    I tried Alt F2 and that doesn't work. Got the terminal with the right button menu. After 2 attempts it spat this out:

    method return sender=:1.3 -> desst=;1.6 reply_serial=2
    boolean true
    Segmentation fault

    The window does try to appear in the background but it's more like a flash of light and then it's gone.
    yeha, Apr 27, 2009
  4. yeha


    Sep 9, 2008
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    The segmentation fault seems to be a common problem especially with Ubuntu. To be honest, the solutions are getting a bit deep for me. Help.
    yeha, May 6, 2009
  5. yeha


    Sep 9, 2008
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    In the end, I created a usb recovery disc and started again. Solved all the problems.
    yeha, Jun 8, 2009
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