XFS Support on Linpus Linux?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by homersimpson, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. homersimpson


    Sep 19, 2008
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    Hello everyone, I have a 500 GB external drive which I use mainly as a music storage device and it would be perfect if I could plug it into my little, cute Aspire One and connect it to the Sony stereo system on my bedroom through line-in.

    The problem is: I have this drive in XFS format; Linpus Linux correctly recongnizes it, but when I try to mount it, it gives me an "Unknown file system 'xfs'" error.

    I've installed everything XFS-related packages I could find in Package Manager but still no luck...

    Also tried to mount it with "mount" command from the terminal, but get the same error

    Have anyone had this problem, or knows how to get Linpus Linux supporting XFS partitions? Perhaps I will have to get a new kernel or something?

    homersimpson, Sep 19, 2008
  2. homersimpson


    Sep 18, 2008
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    There's no XFS support in the Linpus kernel. You'd need to get the Linux kernel source for 2.6.23, configure it as per the Linpus distribution except with xfs supports as a module, and then rebuild it. This would generate the xfs.ko that you need to load into the kernel with insmod. You don't need to replace the kernel, just built that module.

    This is a real pain, to be honest. I keep meaning to set up a kernel build environment but I haven't got around to it. You could always ask the guy who compiled the Bluetooth modules -- I guess he's already got this set up ;)
    kevin, Sep 20, 2008
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