xp and linpus dual boot

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by xIrandom h3roIx, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. xIrandom h3roIx

    xIrandom h3roIx

    Sep 28, 2009
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    can someone help me out.
    i have a ZG5 with xp pre installed and would like add linpus lite.
    can someone give me a complete noob tutorial.
    xIrandom h3roIx, Sep 28, 2009
  2. xIrandom h3roIx


    Sep 30, 2009
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    As I knew, Linpus recovery CD doesn't support dual OS, and doesn't support install on remaining disk space.
    linux, Sep 30, 2009
  3. xIrandom h3roIx


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    You don't really want to do this, do you? You can do a normal installation of Fedora, Ubuntu, or almost any other Linux distro and happily dual-boot XP. To the best of my knowledge, the customized version of Linpus Acer used on the original Aspire Ones was never meant to be installed as a normal distro but rather as a disk image - in other words, completely wiping the SSD (or HDD). That's not to say it can't be done. When I first got my AOA150, I:
    1. Did a normal installation of Fedora to the HDD with grub in the mbr
    2. Booted into Fedora
    3. Downloaded a Linpus image
    4. Created an 8GB partition into which I would place Linpus
    5. Used dd to copy the Linpus image to the 8GB partition
    6. Mounted the partition containing the Linpus image
    7. Determined the mods needed to Fedora's /boot/grub/grub.conf needed to boot Linpus
    8. Made the mods determined in the previous step
    9. Booted into Linpus
    I decided the restrictions imposed by Linpus are too great a price to pay for being able to read my camera's xD card, so I ultimately wiped out Linpus. YMMV
    RockDoctor, Oct 1, 2009
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