XP driver problems...

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Xzh, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. Xzh


    Aug 29, 2009
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    Specific Model: D250-1821(STOCK N270)
    Situation: Fresh reformat with XP PRO PERFS
    Bios: v1.07
    -Downloaded all 17 drivers and extracted them.
    -Clicked on every setup.exe

    Some of the setup.exe's don't work. There is no where that tells you what drivers you should have installed so I tried to install all of them and some of the don't work...

    :Bluetooth Broadcom
    :Bluetooth Foxconn
    -When I install one, the other one doesn't install? Which one do I need?

    Camera: Liteon, Chicony, Suyin
    Alphabetical order, Chicony was first, so I tried it but it didn't install so I tried LITEON and it worked. I tried installing SUYIN but it didn't work... Are you supposed to install them all? (Though the camera currently works.)

    After installing both, the trackpad started showing really noticable signs that it wasn't functioning properly. Everytime you typed something, the cursor freezes, the sensitivity is skewed lower as wells as it feels not right compared to before installing the drivers. These drivers are currently uninstalled. What seems to be the problem? (I kind of need the scrolling function on the side.)

    What is the newest BIOS I should get for this specific laptop? Is there a changelog? I can't find it...

    After installing drivers: I have no idea what WiMAX is used for, what the bluetooth is used for since it installed one and not the other, aswell as the acer 3G manager which I don't even know if it works with my model... I should have installed drivers as I needed them. Sigh... TIA
    Xzh, Feb 14, 2010
  2. Xzh


    Aug 29, 2009
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    Xzh, Feb 21, 2010
  3. Xzh

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    I used to use a program called "Everest". It was capable of detecting nearly all hardware(s) without the drivers being installed. Was and probably still is a great tool for exactly your situation. I've had a quick look to see if it's still available but couldn't find anything. Preliminary searches came back with only paid versions of a much newer and more evolved program.

    What you could do is a quick google search for "Hardware ID Software".

    These tools should be able to quickly and easily tell you exactly what hardware is in your rig, allowing you to download and install the appropriate drivers. Having said that, if you have downloaded and installed all the software (as per your OP) then windows should automatically update the drivers for the hardware, depending on what you have installed. Eg you have installed ALL the available drivers, but windows will only update to them if they are compatible.

    I would take a wild stab and guess that your touchpad is the Synaptics one, so install it by itself and see if it fixes your problem there.

    Device Manager is also your friend, since windows will only update to compatible drivers, a quick visit to the Device Manger will show you what is installed. From there you can uninstall / delete the drivers that you don't need.

    Device Manger can be accessed under Windows XP in the following method:
    Right Click on any My Computer icon
    Choose "Properties" from the list
    Goto the "Hardware" tab in the "System Properties" window which appears
    Click on "Device Manager"

    An Example: Your webcam is currently functional, so look it up in your Device Manger, you will find it has installed the compatible driver, now if the compatible driver is the Lite-On driver, you should be safe to uninstall the other webcam drivers you installed.

    Hope this helps!
    Swarvey, Feb 22, 2010
  4. Xzh


    Feb 21, 2010
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    Yea you can check out a program called speccy that will show you the specs of your hardware in your computer so that should help you narrow down some of the drivers. Always look and backup all of the drivers and such that you need before formatting.
    waxydead, Feb 22, 2010
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