you tube

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by viago2, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. viago2


    Jan 5, 2012
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    i have read a lot of the posts but my particular problem seems different. its probably not, so sorry in advance. my 722 running 7 will often stop buffering (grey line) on you tube. to solve the problem i click the play icon (red line) beyond the point where the buffering stops and wehey off it goes again, maybe about an inch or more in 1 second then stops again. this is an intermittent problem. i am looking for a rare and sought after creature to reply, that is, the geek genius who can speak in terms the techy retard can understand. this creature, i suspect, is mythical. thanks guys.
    viago2, Jan 5, 2012
  2. viago2


    Jan 5, 2012
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    thanks for all of your suggestons, i was so overwhelmed that i decided to go it alone.
    right guys and gals, this is a minefield you wont believe. to cut along story short, most applications out there want to crawl over every part of your hard drive for absolutely no legitimate reason. stay away, they will shaft you good.(i only hope i have managed to rid myself or all their resistant tenticles.
    firstly get google chrome as your browser it is 1000 times better than firefox or internet explorer. then go straight to the googe store and download adblock to stop all that unsolicited internet advertising- dont panic all the apps there are free but its so good i will send them some money.
    next go to ; ... ownloader/ and down load simple as that. it will give you a "download" tab at the bottom of the play screen and just press it if you want the video youre watching on your hard drive,- for watching off line. magic.
    viago2, Jan 9, 2012
  3. viago2

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Some good information in your post there. Don't panic but this is just my opinion.

    * Firefox, in my experience, is a better browser than chrome. But to each their own.
    * Ad blocking through AdBlock is probably doing the same thing that can be achieved with a program called HostsXpert, which downloads a modified hosts file. Currently my computer (when running under Windows) is blocking over 250,000 advertising servers around the world. I've been using it for the last six years. You don't need to install Chrome to access these features. There is also a sister (or brother?) program for HostsXpert called Homer. Homer allows you to start your own server so you know when a site is being bocked. This can be a simple image displayed in place of ads, a clear image so ads just aren't displayed, or as advanced as your own html to display a message. Both HostsXpert and Homer can run on any Windows Operating system and with any browser you wish.The same principal also works on Linux and Android, the hosts file is a very powerful tool.
    * You also don't need Chrome to download youtube (or other flash video sites), there are numerous addons for Firefox which enable you to download these videos.

    Either way, downloading the flash videos from any site is just a band-aid, the real problem I believe lies in the severe instability of Adobe's Flash player, they haven't got it right in years, it crashes now more than ever and they simply aren't supporting all the major OS's out there. I can run Adobe's Flash Player on any of my PC's or phones, but try and install it on Android-x86 and you'll hit a brick wall. Ive also been told by someone in the loop that Adobe will soon cease work on Flash Player because Micro$oft has expressed interest in HTML5.
    Swarvey, Jan 10, 2012
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